Why Adobe EchoSign?
It used to be a pain to get documents signed. Scanning, signing, faxing, overnight shipping, paper cuts—who has time for that? You need something that’s easy to use. And you need to be able to quickly sign things and get business done: At your desk, in a car, or even in a bar. Now, with EchoSign from Adobe—the brand that brought you PDF and Acrobat—you can sign things easily and securely, anywhere you are.
Creative direction
As Creative Director, my team and I were charged with leading the creative process to develop a campaign to drive awareness and engagement for Adobe EchoSign. I enlisted the help of our talented partners at Owen, Jones & Partners (OJP) to help refine a campaign expression that paid-off the fun, quirky tone we were looking for to differentiate EchoSign from it's competition.
A rhyming, Dr. Seuss-like voice shares the places you can sign: On the go. Or at the show. — In a submarine. Or even in a circus ring. Copy, paired with visual scenarios and a iconic red “sticky,” show how easy it is to sign. Because with EchoSign you can sign here, there or anywhere. #signanywhere
Video concept and production
I’d been really inspired by Wes Anderson’s films and commercials — both the art direction and the production style — and asked OJP to help conceptualize a commerical that could bring that all together. We also asked OJP to bring on outside help to produce the piece. OJP hired director Eric Anderson and production company Logan to help us create a spot. Their work was stellar, and the result is a world-class video that brings humor and whimsy to the otherwise stuffy world of e-signatures.
Campaign creative elements

Digital and print examples