2018 Adobe Summit is a celebration of Experience Makers.
"Maker" by definition is a person who create; form; shape. Based on the theme, the event identity should be equally expressive in both digital and physical form. This year the identity consists of two components: modular block pattern (vector) + physical installation (photographs). 
You might ask why create a physically installation then photograph it when one can achieve nearly identical result from digital renderings? A bespoke installation is unique. Through the makers’ hands they’ve each added a layer of depth which is one of a kind, hard to replicate with digital renderings.
Much like the range of skills required of modern day Experience Makers, the final artwork is blend of a variety of disciplines: 2D & 3D, digital & physical, software skills & traditional crafts, plus a lot of love. 
A condensed version of our creative journey is documented below.
Many thanks to our delightful partner, DBLG LDN, for turning the concept into reality.
Inspiration / Mood board​​​​​​​
Color palette
Early stage renderings
Background pattern is a module block system.
Providing endless possibility of combinations for various event assets, both digital and print.
Building of installation
A 3 x 5 meters/10 x 16 feet installation was created based on final concept renderings. ​​​​​​​
500 hours
448 bolts
350kg/771lb in weight
276 individual handmade pieces
15 gallons of paint
8 pairs of hands​​​​​​​
Behind the scene Video by DBLG LDN
Final Assets​​​​​​​
The installation was photographed at Holborn Studios from various angles, with and without industry props.
Modular block pattern combined with small sections from photo(s) is being used in various event assets.
Wall together now by Jordan Kushins, Adobe Create Magazine

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